Thursday, July 11, 2013

Why I hate cardio/ why it HIIT cardio

      I really really hate doing cardio. This includes but is not limited to: running, elliptical, biking even squatting etc. Basically anything that gets my heart rate up. Mostly because in the past I have had trouble with my heart rate going way up and staying that way. I have been sent to the hospital twice in the fairly recent past from waking up in the middle of the night with heart palpitations. Since then, on and off I have had trouble with getting my heart rate down from a very uncomfortable speed. It has not happened recently but because of this I feel as though I am more prone to getting my heart rate way too high during cardio workouts. That is why i literally cannot run for more than a couple minutes at a time without taking a walking break in between or else i feel as though my heart is going to jump out of my chest, and not in a good workout endorphiny way. But I know that some cardio is important not only for fitness but for your health as well and I still incorporate it into my routine.  I just can't run miles at a time like some people can even if i did try to train myself to do so.
     Recently I learned about HIIT Cardio. HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. It is basically any workout that alternates between intense burst of activity with periods of less intense or even rest periods. You can do these on the machines such as treadmills or even workouts that do not need any equipment. I usually just do them on the treadmill since it is easier for me that way.  If you are experienced there are more advanced versions. But i use a beginner workout that for me, gives a great workout.
Now why do I HIIT instead of just a steady paced cardio? Well there are a few reasons:
  • It is quick! I can finish an entire workout in about 20 minutes.
  • You not only burn more calories during the workout, but something about the effects of the workout on your body actually causes it to burn more fat and calories in the 24 hours after the workout
  • When doing a HIIT workout you burn fat and not muscle. When you do steady state you tend to burn fat and muscle and you undo the building of muscle that you did during strength exercises.
So next time you do cardio, try looking into different HIIT workouts, there are sooo many and find one that is in your range.

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