Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A bit of a rant

                        This ^ >>>>>>>>>>>>. I am sooooo sick and tired of everyone saying that "real women have curves" or "men like women with curves not bones" or whatever the hell basically implying that if you do not have big boobs a big ass and whatever other curve to your body it makes you less of a woman. FUCK THAT NOISE. (sorry it just gets me real mad). I grew up never having a big chest. like they are there obviously but at the same time not so much. Also like I've posted before I was born with a flat ass. ("But Lorraine, you're trying to build a booty now" Ok, yes I am but that is because its part of my fitness journey, I am also trying to build lots of other muscle in other places so lets not get technical.) Anyways, so with my lack of chest and butt and being naturally thin, does that make me any less of a woman? Uh no. Am I going to start putting on some weight and go get breast implants so I can be a "real woman" Hell no.  Sure I may not be attractive to some men who prefer such things, but do I give 2 shits about what those people think? NO. Women come in all shapes and sizes and colors and types and blah blah blah. And guess what? they are all women! I'm gonna be honest here and say that usually when those women that are the ones proclaiming that "real women have curves" and are putting down those without, have some insecurities of their own to deal with. So stop getting us flat chested thinner girls involved.
                Ok and another thing that really peeves me is the fact that people say that "thicker" girls are somehow "healthier" than thinner girls. Why because they eat more? Says who? SORRY IM NOT SORRY that if you got "thicker" by eating a lot of crappy foods you are in no way shape or form healthier than a thin girl who eats clean. You go ahead and eat out every day and nom on your oreos on the reg. and I'm going to be over here eating PLENTY of fresh whole foods that nourishes my body. There is a difference however if said "skinny" girl is actually starving herself and not getting the nourishment her body needs. And the "thicker" girl is eating healthy and clean but that is just the way her body is. Stop judging people on their size and find out what is really going on in their lives.
     Oh and one last important thing. Calling someone too skinny and that they should go eat something is just as hurtful as calling something too fat and they should stop eating. Ok rant over, thanks for reading! =)

Saturday, July 27, 2013

mocha protein pancakes

So I was really in a coffee and chocolate mood the other day so I decided to try out some mocha protein pancakes. And boy was I glad I did. I even made them this morning again. The coffee flavor was not too prominent so if you want an extra kick I would add some extra coffee granules. But they were so good and actually pretty fluffy for protein pancakes, as you can see on the bottom picture.
1/3 cup oat flour + a couple tbsps
2 tsp instant coffee granules
2 tsp cocoa powder
1/2 tsp baking powder
1scoop chocolate whey protein powder
3 egg whites
1/4 cup almond milk
stevia to taste\
 First ground your oats into a flour, then add the rest of the dry ingredients and mix together. Then add the egg whites and almond milk and mix until incorporated. Cook on a nonstick pan and/or one with some spray on low heat until cooked. If you make them small like I did they come out to be 15 mini pancakes! Which is fun for stacking and putting toppings in the middle. I topped mine with about a cup of microwaved frozen berries ( they get juicy) and a mixture of heated cocoa powder and almond milk. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


So I decided to start the dr. oz 3 day detox yesterday because.. well I just wanted to try it out. why not right? Well to be completely honest it lasted like a day and a half because I got bored. Too many smoothies not enough chewing. And I realized something, detoxes are great they really are for cleaning out your system and starting fresh and healthy. However, I am already healthy and the foods I eat on a regular basis are like my own personal daily detox. And I really didn't do this to lose weight, I didn't even weigh myself before because that was just not my goal. Therefore stopping it really wasn't quitting. My goals just changed. I feel like 3 days is too much for someone like me who only puts those bad things into my body every once in a while. (see instagram for a few examples of my cheats ;)) I would probably do detox again every once in a while but only for one day. I did like the results after yesterday even with my rice cake cheat and today I kept up with all the shakes I just added a simple salad with lettuce, salsa and edamame. But tomorrow, no more shakes/smoothies for a meal but I will try to make my portions a bit smaller and maybe even incorporate one as a snack just to get back into my regular clean eating habits.
Now the detox itself I liked well enough. Three smoothies one for breakfast lunch and dinner and then you repeat one as a snack. The breakfast smoothie is delicious! I wouldn't make any changes to the ingredients. On the lunch and dinner ones however I did make a few modifications to make it taste better (sue me, I make the rules)
Lunch: I used 3 celery sticks instead of 4. Believe me do this and you will thank me, the celery gives it quite a weird texture so less is more. If you have a large green apple use 1/2 but if you had little ones like I did use the whole thing. Use a little over 1 cup of pineapple, again you'll thank me for making the taste better. I didn't have coconut oil nor did I really want to buy any just so I could use 3 tbsp. and never again sooo I used all natural pb instead (like I said I make the rules) I figured it'll add a little better taste and keep with the healthy fat thing the coconut oil was going for. Also don't forget to peel the cucumber and cut all the veggies and apple into little pieces to help the blending.
Dinner: The dinner was a lot better than the lunch one all I really did to modify was maybe add a little more mango to sweeten it and reduce the cayenne! The first time I made it I did the whole amount and it was way too spicy, especially since my wisdom teeth  are still healing. So the next time I did 1/8 tsp and maybe even a little less.

Oh and a couple other tips: try to use frozen fruit, it will make your smoothies cold and yummy without adding ice to water it down. And drink all of the smoothie you make. They actually make a lot especially the lunch one and while you may feel super full and want to just toss the rest, you shouldn't. Wait a while until you don't feel like you're going to burst and then finish it. When you are hungry soon after and thinking to yourself " I wish I still had smoothie left, why did I toss it?" Well yeah.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Progress Pictures

Here are some progress pictures from my time in NY. I'm not really able to strength train how I would like to over here because of limited equipment (heavier weights) but I'm making due with what I have and lots of workout videos. I am still seeing a bit of progress and I cannot wait until I go back to FL to be able to step it up! I have lots of plans to further my game ;)

Monday, July 15, 2013

Wisdom teeth woes

So I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth taken out this past Thursday. Ouchie. Since then I've been eating all things mashed and pureed. Honestly, after the second day my diet has not changed tooooo much. I eat alot of the same things I ate before, but i made them easier to eat by putting things in the blender, or mashing them with a fork. Of course some things i eat out of my menu that are too hard to chew and I'm not able to make into a chewy version. So I'm getting all my necessary nutrients but the variety is lacking and I'm longing to be able to use my jaw regularly again. Some things I've been eating these past few days include:
  • Oatmeal
  • Smoothies
  • Greek Yogurt
  • Unsweetened apple sauce
  • Soups with all natural ingredients and no preservatives (only down side is more sodium than i would normally like, but I gotta make do)
  • Mashed potatoes/sweet potatoes
  • Mashed black beans
  • etc
I think the thing I hate most about this is the fact that i couldn't work out for 3 days and now i am taking it very slowly. The last thing I want it to disrupt the blood clots in my extraction sites and slow down my healing process. Today instead of not exercising and also not going too hard i took a walk on the treadmill. While yes, my last post was how I rather do HIIT cardio instead of steady state but I really think this is a good exception. For thirty minutes I just did a regularly paced walk. I was so bored its not even funny, but its better to be slow than sorry! I might add  little more intensity every day until I think I am healed enough to where i can go back to my usual pace. And I literally cannot wait until that day because I feel as though I am losing definition. But that just might be my exercise withdrawal talking.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Why I hate cardio/ why it HIIT cardio

      I really really hate doing cardio. This includes but is not limited to: running, elliptical, biking even squatting etc. Basically anything that gets my heart rate up. Mostly because in the past I have had trouble with my heart rate going way up and staying that way. I have been sent to the hospital twice in the fairly recent past from waking up in the middle of the night with heart palpitations. Since then, on and off I have had trouble with getting my heart rate down from a very uncomfortable speed. It has not happened recently but because of this I feel as though I am more prone to getting my heart rate way too high during cardio workouts. That is why i literally cannot run for more than a couple minutes at a time without taking a walking break in between or else i feel as though my heart is going to jump out of my chest, and not in a good workout endorphiny way. But I know that some cardio is important not only for fitness but for your health as well and I still incorporate it into my routine.  I just can't run miles at a time like some people can even if i did try to train myself to do so.
     Recently I learned about HIIT Cardio. HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. It is basically any workout that alternates between intense burst of activity with periods of less intense or even rest periods. You can do these on the machines such as treadmills or even workouts that do not need any equipment. I usually just do them on the treadmill since it is easier for me that way.  If you are experienced there are more advanced versions. But i use a beginner workout that for me, gives a great workout.
Now why do I HIIT instead of just a steady paced cardio? Well there are a few reasons:
  • It is quick! I can finish an entire workout in about 20 minutes.
  • You not only burn more calories during the workout, but something about the effects of the workout on your body actually causes it to burn more fat and calories in the 24 hours after the workout
  • When doing a HIIT workout you burn fat and not muscle. When you do steady state you tend to burn fat and muscle and you undo the building of muscle that you did during strength exercises.
So next time you do cardio, try looking into different HIIT workouts, there are sooo many and find one that is in your range.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Yummy food day

Yesterday was such a good food day for me. I made lots of yummy and healthy meals to enjoy.

Breakfast: Clean Pancakes
1/3 cup oat flour (use oats and put it in the food processor to make a flour)
1 egg white
1/4 cup almond milk
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 small ripe mashed banana
    Mix all the ingredients and cook on a low heated pan. I topped it with some peanut butter

Lunch: Salad
Romaine Letuce
Garbanzo beans
1/4 avocado
hot sauce
all natural salsa

Dinner: Tofu Stir fry ( No I didnt eat all that, there was about 3 servings in the pan)
1 package tofu
2 tbsp spicy mustard
a couple long squirts of Liquid Aminos
1/4 lemon juice
      Mix all these ingredients and make a marinade for the tofu and leave for a couple hours to soak (if you dont have that much time no worries)
red cabbage
red, green, and yellow bell peppers

Cook the broccoli and cauliflower with veggie broth instead of oil first to soften then add the other veggies. Then add tofu. (Use chicken for non-vegetarian dish, and you might have to cook that first..sorry idk how to cook meat =P) Viola stir fry!

Dessert: Sorbet
1 Frozen banana
Frozen pineapple, mango and strawberries
Add to the yonana machine
Soooooo good

Friday, July 5, 2013

My Health (ier) 4th of July!

When people think of the 4th of July they usually think of unhealthy foods and lots of cheat foods. And while there is nothing wrong with that, you should enjoy the day and celebrate the existence of the best country in the world =). But there are sone ways to make your choices a bit healthier like my family and i did yesterday. In Brooklyn, it is kind of hard to have an actual grill and BBQ things unless you are lucky to have your own backyard so we improvised and just made things in the oven. Not as good but you make due with what you have!...These were the foods that were on my menu yesterday; going from the top left to right

  • Baked Tempeh with a homemade buffalo sauce marinade. Tempeh is basically cooked and fermented soybeans formed into a patty. Sounds weird, but it is how you make it that makes it taste good!
  • Roasted zucchini
  • Red potato salad with dill, peppers, red onions and fat free greek yogurt instead of mayo or sour cream
  • Roasted corn on the cob
  • Homemade salsa with tomatos onions green peppers and cilantro
  • Yonana "ice cream". Yonana is a machine that makes "ice cream" with frozen bananas and fruit. Absolutely genius and delicious and healthy!. This mixture was banana, a couple squares of 90% dark chocolate topped with Peanut Butter & Co. dark chocolate dreams peanut butter. You have no idea how good this was. And yes while it was not my usual red white & blue theme dessert, I couldnt find anything actually clean besides a fruit salad and I'm not about that kind of life. Fruit salad does not equal dessert. Frozen fruit into ice cream however does.
Hope everyone enjoyed their holiday yesterday!
Peace Love and 'Murrica

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Healthy Fried Rice

So I had some leftover rice from the other night and wanted to use it up. So I decided to get a little creative for lunch. So I made a healthy version of fried rice. I will explain some substitutions I made in the recipe.

Brown rice (instead of white) (however much you want, I just used whatever i had leftover)
Cholesterol free egg
Low Sodium veggie broth ( I mentioned in my last recipe i use it instead of oil)
1/4 Bell pepper
Liquid Aminos ( It is a healthier version of soy sauce with a lot less sodium)

    First cook the eggs scrambled then add the rice and some broth and "fry it up". Next add the peppers and scallions and the aminos and just cook everything until it is done. So easy! Feel free to add more veggies and other ingredients to make it more creative. I was just a little lazy and hungry to prepare other things but I know I will try different versions of this!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Southwestern Spaghetti Squash

Tonight I decided to get a little creative for dinner for me and my mom. Spaghetti Squash is a type of squash that when you cook it and then shred the inside with a fork it comes out in little strings that resemble pasta. It can be used in all types of recipes to make it low-carb friendly. Today i decided to use some leftovers from the last couple days and made a southwestern stuffed version of the food.

Recipe: (amounts vary I didnt really measure everything)

1 Spaghetti squash cut in half lengthwise
1/4 each of green and red bell peppers chopped
1/2 large onion chopped
1 cup corn ( I actually had 2 cooked corn on the cobs that I sliced the kernels off of)
1 cup black beans ( I used leftovers from last nights dinner)
3 cloves of garlic minced
cayenne pepper
other spices to your liking

     First cook the squash cut side up at 400 deg for about 45 minutes. While that is cooking, chop the vegetables. Then heat up some oil (in my house we use no salt added veggie stock, it does the same thing as oil with none of the fat etc) and add the onion. Cook until translucent then add the garlic and peppers. Cook for a few minutes then add the beans, corn and spices. When the squash is cooked take a fork and shred most of it leaving a small layer behind. Add the squash to the veggie mixture and combine. Then add half to each side of the squash and you can bake it in the oven for a few more minutes if you wanted to add cheese to the top. You can also add chicken or something for a non-vegetarian dish.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Back on track!

Hey guys, sorry I've been MIA and not posting for  while here. I've been really busy moving out of my old apartment and traveling back to New York. I got a little off track with my eating habits and didnt work out for a few days. I tried to eat as healthy as possible with the traveling and such but it wasnt what I would usually aim for. But now that i have settled in at home, i am back at it! This morning i had a great workout which consisted of a quick beginners HIIT cardio on my parents new treadmill they just bought. It was a surprise and a great one at that! Then I did the Jillian Michaels Hard Body to top it off. Its great to be home because of all the food we have here! Here are a few meals I've had here already:
Top left: White beans with quinoa and broccoli
Bottom left: Salad with kidney beans, a little quinoa, 1/4 avocado, sprinkle of feta cheese and hot sauce
Bottom right: Brown rice, black beans, sauteed kale and broccoli
So many greens and good fibers! I'm excited to continue eating this good while I'm here and I will keep you updated on some recipes and such

Monday, June 24, 2013

Dont be afraid of fats!

Most people when they hear the word "fat" in their food get worried and try to avoid them when on diets. While it is true that too much fat can make you gain weight; you actually need fat in order for your body to function correctly. But what you do need to be careful is the kind of fat that you eat; there are "good" and "bad" fats. Saturated fats are the ones found in dairy, meats and greasy foods etc and they can raise bad cholesterol levels. Then there are unsaturated fats which actually increase the levels of good cholesterol. Within the category of unsaturated there are poly and mono. (Yes I know, its getting confusing but I'm just explaining the basics, do some more research if really interested=)) . Good fats have many benefits that include: boosting your immune system, promote brain , nerve and heart health. They are also used for energy after the body uses up its carbohydrates.  So what kind of food actually has these fats? I'll list a few below categorized in the kind that they are:

  • nuts
  • seeds
  • corn oils
  • fatty fish
  • nuts & seeds
  • Avocado
  • olive oil
  • canola oil
  • peanut oil

Now one of my absolute favorite fats from this list is avocado! People are afraid of avocados because they are high in calories and fat. But again this fat is good for you and everything in moderation!
All these health benefits with the added bonus of being delicious! I've posted a bunch of recipes using avocado and there are many more ways you can incorporate them into your meal. For example: use as a substitute for another unhealthy spread such as mayo. Replace those bad fats with this great healthy version.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Egg white wrap

So I'm moving out of my apartment next week to go to NY for the rest of the summer. My parents live there now so that is where I spend my vacations. My point is that I really didn't want to buy so much food these past couple weeks and really just stocked up on a few essentials. That's part of the reason why you see so many foods repeated in different ways. And the other reason is that I just really like these foods sooo I really don't mind eating them a lot! But hopefully when I get to New York I'll have the help with my also very health nutty mom! But for now another easy go to meal:

Egg white wrap:
1 tortilla ( All the other wrap recipes I've used La tortilla factory; they are low calorie, low carb and high fiber)
6tbsp egg whites
1/4 avocado
1 tbsp. feta cheese
1 tbsp. salsa
       Heat up the tortilla in a toaster oven for a few minutes until warm. Cook the egg whites flat and add spices and feta when it is almost cooked. Then when done, add the eggs to the tortilla and add salsa and chopped avocado. Fold and eat as a wrap!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

My favorite breakfast: oats!

So like I've said plenty before: I make food that tastes good but just doesn't look too good. Oh well!

I love love oats and oatmeal. It is so good for you and is so versatile!
Some of the benefits of oatmeal include:
  • Low calories
  • High fiber
  • high protein grain
  • stabilizes blood sugar and reduces risk of type 2 diabetes
  • removes bad cholesterol
  • protects against heart disease and cancer
  • Very filling
These are only a few of the awesome health benefits that oatmeal provides!

When I say that oatmeal is so versatile, I mean it! You can eat it hot (bottom pic) or even cold! (top) Overnight oats have been quite the sensation lately and they are the easiest and most convenient way to eat oats. Basically you just take an empty jar and add the desired amount of uncooked oats to it, then you add whatever you want: fruits, cinnamon, pb (idk get creative) then add almond, or soy milk (or regular if you must) just enough to cover the ingredients. Add the lid and put it in the fridge overnight and it is ready to eat! No cooking required. Hot oatmeal can be made two ways: microwave or stove top. I usually just use the microwave because it is a lot easier and I use quick cook oats so it only takes 2 minutes and less dishes. Follow the directions on the oats container for cooking but just add whatever you like just like the cold oats.

Sample overnight oat recipe as shown above:
1/2 cup uncooked oats
1/2 cup unsweetened apple sauce
1/3 cup almond milk
    Basically just do as I say above and I made some apple spice overnight oats!

Sample hot oatmeal:
1/2 cup oats
1 cup water
1 tbsp. cocoa powder
1/2 banana
drizzle of honey
     Cook the oatmeal how the container says but add the cocoa powder before. After, add the sliced banana and a touch of honey for added sweetness, mix, and enjoy.

These are only example of all the different ways you can make your oats, so be creative and try something new!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Schedule your workout!


     So many people use the excuse of " I have no time to workout" Uh sure you do, because you learn to make time! Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day and it is up to you to use every minute of it wisely. When I first started exercising I literally took out my planner and wrote down the schedule of my life. I made sure to add in there when I was able to work out because I knew if I wrote it down I had to do it. If I had purposely given myself that amount of time to do this, there was no excuse about not having time. Before you decide a specific time to workout, decide what time of the day you are more likely to give it your all. Do this, unless you literally have no other time except the one you have chosen and don't have the luxury of picking another. But if you do have a few time slots available, try out times in the morning, afternoon and evening. Me personally, I know that the absolute best time for me to workout is right when I wake up. I wake up, eat a quick breakfast because I don't like working out on an empty stomach ( just my personal preference) get ready, and go at it. I like exercising in the mornings because I am not able to let myself have any other excuses. Later in the day I will tell myself that I have to study, or I'm too full from all the days meals or I have too many errands to run, whatever it is, I find it later in the day. If you are that kind of person like I am, I highly suggest starting your morning with a work out! After it is done, you don't have to think about it anymore and you started your day off with a bang. But hey, not everyone is like that, so if you prefer to work out in the middle of the day or like to end your day with one go for it! Just make sure you put it in your schedule. Whether you need to write it down, at least in the beginning, or if it is just a mental schedule, make sure you stick with it. Also, especially if you are a college student like me, your schedule is not the same everyday and your workout schedule doesn't have to be either. If Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays it is easier for you to workout in the mornings but Tuesdays and Thursdays, the evenings: whatever! Just make sure you keep with it.
     Another helpful tip about scheduling your workouts is to write down what you are going to do each day. For example: Mon= cardio Tues=legs Wed=arms etc. Then write down the specific exercises in each. This will help you go to the gym and know what you are doing and not just waste time lollygagging....(yes I just said that) and therefore give you even less of a readon to say you do not have time.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Sorry to break it to ya.....

But these are all true! While it is great that you are getting active and working out in an effort to get fit, but that unfortunately is not good enough. Even if you are spending a decent amount of time working your butt off in the gym and working out in general, you will most likely not see the results you are wanting to see. You have to pair working out with a good and healthy diet! The mentality of "I worked out today, so I'm going to eat pizza tonight" is absolutely ridiculous. WATCH THIS VIDEO http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=UQbuzsY_34Q . You will now see what I am talking about! It is genius. How long will it take for you to burn off that food? Probably too long! And then even if you manage to work it all off, you will be right where you started and won't make any progress if you're lucky. Working out does not give you an excuse to eat Moes, pizza, chipotle, mcdonalds, and even unhealthy foods that you can make at home. And honestly, I use the word "make" loosely. Sorry to tell you, but you are not Michael Phelps or someone of his fitness levels. He eats roughly 12,000 calories a day and still looks the way he does because of his intense training. Yeah, you try and eat that much, or hey lets be more reasonable and try and eat a fraction of that and train the way you normally do and see if you can make any progress with your fitness. You HAVE to eat healthy! That is always the most important! Have you ever tried to do so many ab workouts and got mad when you don't see any results? Probably because you are not pairing that with a good diet. Abs are made in the kitchen. You must have a lower body fat percentage for them to show up. There is no use in ab muscles if they are hiding under layers of fat. I honestly find it hilarious when I listen to people talk about how much they work out and go to the gym and then I see them eat food that is just plain bad for them. I've mentioned before that indulgences and treat meals are a good thing! But lets be honest, that meal is not a once in a while or even once a week thing, but are a everyday and possibly in even worse cases, a multiple a day thing.
      Now I realize, there are those people who have an amazing metabolism and can eat whatever the hell they want and still have a perfectly slim body. Fine! Good for you! Probably most of what I have said here is not for you! But just because this might be true doesn't mean you should continue with these habits. You should start caring about yourself and your health and still eat better. You will feel better and more energized when you eat the right foods.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sunday Food


Like most days of the week I have breakfast foods for more than just breakfast. I don't know why but I cant remember the last time I had eggs for actual breakfast. I tend to prefer them for lunch or dinner. I think it is because I crave something sweeter in the mornings. So this morning I decided to try another version of a protein pancake. Yes I know it looks like a certain something and possibly unappealing but it was pretty good! Then for lunch I had a zucchini and feta omelet.

Chocolate protein pancakes:
1/2 ripe banana
3/4 scoop vanilla protein powder (I ran out of chocolate kind but if you have go ahead and use it)
3 tbsp. egg whites
3 tbsp. oats (oat flour would be best or you can make your own using a food processor or blender but those are packed away so I made due)
2 tbsp. almond milk
1 tbsp cocoa powder
1/4 tsp of baking powder
     First mash the banana then add the protein powder and mix till incorporated. Then add the rest of the ingredients and cook like regular pancakes. (Play with the amount of each ingredient, and make it to your liking, i'm not an expert and honestly just eyeballed a lot of it)

Zucchini Omelet:
1/2 zucchini chopped however you like it, I did half circles
6tbsp cholesterol free eggs
low fat feta cheese
handful of spinach
     First sauté the zucchini and spinach until it is wilted. Then add the eggs on top of the veggies. When almost fully cooked add the cheese and fold over. Flip until fully cooked. I topped it with natural salsa

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Tortilla pizza

I like experimenting with different tortilla pizzas. I just find whatever I might have in the kitchen and add to it. This time I added:

Low Carb and high fiber tortilla
1/2 zucchini cut into half circles
some low fat feta cheese
1 tbsp. hummus
handful of chopped tomatoes
dried oregano
cayenne pepper
      First spread the hummus on the tortilla. Then add the chopped zucchini and tomato across. Sprinkle desired amount of feta over it and then spices. Put in the oven (toaster oven is very convenient if you have it) at around 450 for 5ish minutes or until sides begin to brown

Friday, June 14, 2013

Don't call it a diet

As you can see from this picture, I get so mad if people try to tell me that I'm on a diet. No, I am not, I am not in no way shape or form trying to lose weight and this is not a temporary thing. If someone is eating something greasy and/or bad for them I do not turn to them and ask "what, are you trying to get fat?" That would be rude and uncalled for and the same goes for when I am eating healthy and trying to avoid foods that I know are not good for me and someone turns to me and says something along the lines of  "what, are you trying to lose weight?" or "you are already skinny enough!" Uh thanks... I know I am thin, but there is a difference between trying to lose weight and trying to be the best I can be. I know my body better than anyone and I can guarantee that I do not look how I do now because I was eating badly. Now I am not saying that I am not guilty of being on diets and doing things that are good for on a temporary basis. I used to get obsessive over losing weight and being skinny enough and would limit myself to small amounts of food etc and sometimes that would work but only temporarily until I stopped the dieting and started eating even more than I used to before. It is because I limited myself from everything I was craving all the time (usually sweets and baked goods) that when I could finally have it again I binged on them like crazy! The moment I decided that this wasn't a diet, it was simply how I choose to live my life was the moment I stopped craving things like crazy. This is because I am not forbidding myself from these things. Honestly if I want a damn brownie or if I want some ice cream or whatever it is I am going to have it! And the best part of it is, I will not feel guilty for doing so. Now that does not mean that I will eat an entire pan of brownies or have these treats every day because that defeats the purpose, but it is ok to indulge every once in a while to keep you on track in the long run. Many people say and I agree that this lifestyle is 80/20. 80% clean and healthy living and eating and 20% indulgences. Just don't take that too literally! It is not a set formula that every week you must eat clean 80% and not the other 20. If one week you happen to eat off track a little more don't sweat it and do not give up! And on the other hand if maybe that week you are really just not feeling like having any treat meals, well more power to you! Do not feel like you have to get in that ice cream. For example, yesterday I went to coldstone with my boyfriend. He got a waffle bowl cheesecake something or other and I got an all fruit smoothie. It was not because I was limiting myself to not have a little ice cream, it was really just because I wasn't craving it. What is the point in having something if you are not going to enjoy it as much as you would another time? If it was one of those days where all I thought about was ice cream and couldn't fight the craving any longer you bet I would have had some!
     All in all, this is a journey not a destination. So please for the love of chocolate, do not judge me and my LIFESTYLE and whatever you do, don't call it a diet. Hope this helped explain things a little!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Fit Book

     During my research for a healthy and fit lifestyle I came across this: the Fitbook. So I decided to buy one and give it a try. The fitbook is basically a 12 week journal that you use to log not only your exercise and food for each day but your goals and accomplishments for every week! Every week starts off with a goal page and has room for your workout and nutrition and any other goals you might have. For example; in workout goals I might put "workout abs 4x this week" and for nutrition you could put "limit treat meal to one time this week" or anything else you want to work on for the week. Then there is a reward section if you reach your goals which could be anything like buy a new book or go on a shopping spree; anything that will be a reason for you to work hard that week (besides your health and happiness hehe). Then on the next page you can write down your workout schedule and eating schedule to help you stay on track. I usually don't make a meal plan because I like to think of my food the day of, but the workout schedule is very helpful! Then for each day there is a log to put the workout you actually did and how long/how many reps/how many calories you burned in each and other helpful stuff. For the food log you write down everything you ate that day and other important information about it. For example; I write down how many calories in each food and keep track of it. I used to count calories to limit myself to a very strict number. That was before I started eating clean and just focusing on nutrition. Now I count calories to keep to a certain range because I personally find that if I don't do that I will eat above and beyond what I really should even if it is all healthy foods. But if calorie counting is not for you don't worry you can use that space for others things, such as what time you ate or whatever else you want to take note of. The food log page also has a nutrient, water and sleep tracker! Finally, at the end of each week there is a "wrap up". This is where you decide if your goals were reached and reflect on the good things about the week and the not so good things. For example, a good thing might be you finished all of your workouts and ate a lot of veggies or something. But a bad thing might be that you ate too much ice cream and pizza Saturday night.
     I am on week 9 out of 12 in my fitbook and I can say that it has helped a lot! I bought mine at target for around $20 and did not mind paying that because I am the kind of person who needs structure and something telling me step by step what to do or else I will not do it. But after my 12 weeks I think I will make my own version of a fitbook using a empty journal or composition book since I know everything involved now. But if you don't want to spend that much money on a fitbook, go ahead and create your own! Use this tips that I showed you and take another step closer to your journey to being healthy =)


Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Lunch and Dinner yesterday! For lunch (top) I decided to get a little creative and it came out so good! The top was zucchini "pasta" topped with mashed sweet potato. And the bottom for dinner was an egg sandwich.

Zucchini Pasta:
1/2 zucchini sliced using a veggie peeler until you get to the seeds and it doesn't work anymore
spices to taste
1/2 sweet potato
     Bake the sweet potato in the oven at 400 deg. for about 45 minutes or until soft. Then take it out of the oven and wait until it is cool enough to take out of the skin and give it a good mash with whatever spices you want. Set aside. Then after you slice the zucchini and season it as well, place it in a pan and cook it on medium-low heat until it softens a little. Then put it in a dish and top with sweet potato! Weird but tastes so good!

Egg Sandwich:
2 slices Ezekiel bread
6tbsp cholesterol free eggs
1 thick slice tomato
1/4 avocado
seasons to taste
Dijon mustard (optional)
     Cook the eggs as if you were making an omelet. Add desired spices when almost done. While the eggs are cooking, toast your bread and prepare the tomato and avocado. When egg and bread is done, spread mustard and layer the bread with eggs, tomato and avocado. Yummy and easy!

Monday, June 10, 2013

So, like how do you get your protein?

I've mentioned a couple times that I am indeed a vegetarian and have been for 6.5 years. Throughout these years I have gotten so many questions regarding this. Don't worry this post wont be about trying to convert you into not eating meat, it is simply answering a few of those questions I get all the time.

Q: Do you miss eating meat?
A:  Nope, not at all. In the beginning I definitely had a lot of cravings, but after a few months they pretty much stopped.

Q: What made you become a vegetarian?
A: Actually my mom started a couple months before me because my aunt had gotten breast cancer and she started doing lots of research on the benefits a vegetarian diet could have on reducing that risk. Then after watching some of those infamous videos (don't worry ill spare you the details) I decided I would give it a try also. The reason developed over the months into my love for animals and deciding that I could be a small part of that change towards not eating them.

Q: What was your process into switching into a vegetarian diet?
A: A lot of people tend to go into a gradual leaning off meats; first red meat then pork etc. However I was a little more ambitious than that. I decided I would stop eating meat on a Monday, so that weekend leading up to it I had every fast food with meat I loved. KFC, Taco Bell, Mcdonalds, Burger King. I binged on meat then gave it up cold turkey on Monday and haven't eaten anything since.

Q: Do you eat fish?
A: No, fish is not a vegetable. People who do not eat meat but only fish are called pescatarians (makes sense huh). And yes I do eat eggs and dairy though I try to limit the dairy to a few items just because. Those who do not eat any animal products are vegans. I am neither a pescatarian nor a vegan but right in the middle.

Q: So like what do you eat and like how do you get your protein?
A: These are my favorite two questions and the ones I get the most. And honestly when I say favorite they are the most annoying questions in the world to me when said in a condescending manner. I have no problem when people are generally interested and just want more information about things because they really don't know. I will gladly answer for you and help you understand I just don't appreciate the condescension. Anyway, I eat everything omnivores eat except meat. Tada! Simple as that. Of course, I mean I eat everything in the healthiest sense with wholer and cleaner foods but you get the gist. I am not and honestly have never been that vegetarian who doesn't know what else there is to eat so I resort to junk food 24/7. I know there are many vegetarians out there who just don't know how to be one. I eat real food and all my meals do not consist of Doritos and Oreos nor has it ever. There are so many sources of protein out there in the world that people limit themselves to thinking protein: meat, chicken etc. I get the majority of my protein from soy products, beans, protein powders, greek yogurt, eggs, nuts and nut butters, veggies (yes even vegetables have protein) and so much more! Don't worry about me I am not going to have a protein deficiency any time soon; again I know what I'm doing.

Here is a chart just showing example of how produce can have protein as well!

Workout DVDs

So maybe you guys are starting to realize something: I really like workout DVDS. They are just SO convenient. Wake up, roll out of bed, eat something and go at it. Jillian Michaels workouts are my favorite; she gives you a intense workout in a short amount of time. This was my first time doing her new DVD "Hard Body". In just 45 minutes (including warm up and cool down) I burned over 500 calories! I definitely broke out a sweat too and as you can see from my picture I was really excited to be done with it hehe. This summer will honestly be all about workout DVDs especially when I go to NY in a few weeks and don't have a gym readily available. But when Fall starts up again I'm going to start going to my school's gym and work out more with weights and such. Actually, this afternoon my oh so helpful boyfriend is going to teach me a few things so I don't go in blind next semester. Conclusion: don't hate on the workout DVDs; they can actually give you a great workout when you can't get to the gym or just don't want to.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

What I ate today

     My breakfast, lunch and dinner! Before you start freaking out and thinking this is all I eat all day; fear not I love food way too much to limit myself to only this. I have healthy snacks throughout the day to make sure I don't go famished.
     My breakfast on right was protein pancakes. Now here is a disclaimer: I tend to make food and such that taste really good but turn out really ugly. Especially pancakes, I am awful and making them I always flip them too early or late and can never really get that expert flip going. Oh well I'm going on a tangent but I just thought I would warn everybody.
Pancake Recipe:
1 large very ripe banana
1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder
2 egg whites: which also equals to about 6 tbsp. of the kind in the carton
    Mash the banana and then mix the other two ingredients and cook like a regular pancake
I topped them with about a tbsp. of PB2 (ill do a post explaining what that is at a later time, but basically think of it as peanut butter). There are so many different types of protein pancakes that I cannot wait to try but since this was my first time making them I decided to keep it simple.
Egg Scramble:
1/2 zucchini
6tbsp cholesterol free eggs
handful of spinach
feta to taste
spices to taste
tbsp. of natural salsa
     First slice zucchini into thin slices and sauté them until soft. Then add the eggs and cook and scramble them until almost done. While the eggs are still cooking and the spinach and feta. Then top with salsa
1 whole wheat tortilla  (I use one that is low carb and high fiber)
1/4 avocado
2 slices of tofurkey (again I am vegetarian so sub. whatever protein you want)
1 piece of cheese (I use a soy cheese)
Handful of spinach
natural salsa
     I mashed the avocado across the tortilla then layered the rest of the ingredients and wrapped it all up. I served with a side of baby carrots.

Yesterday was my last day of my 8 week Brazil Butt Lift Program. Brazil Butt lift is a workout DVD series made by Beach body; the same people who make insanity and P90X. Now you're probably laughing at me and thinking "really Lorraine, Brazil butt lift that's silly" or something of the sort. Well yes it is silly, but I don't care cause it worked! For those of you who don't know, I am actually 100% Brazilian; yup both parents born and raised in Brazil and me born here in Florida. However, I did not get much of those trademark Brazilian genes, besides being oh so attractive (confidence is key =P). I am very pale unless I go out in the sun a gazillion times and then I am still only "not ghostlike". And I do not have a booty. It's sad I know, I cannot shake what my mama gave me, cause sadly she didn't give me much (hehe love you mommy). So I figured I'd do something about that. I started Brazil Butt lift with the picture farthest to the left then the next two pictures were taken today first with the original undergarment to show the true difference and then with a more revealing pair to show a more broad difference. I finally have a little booty! For me, this is a huge transformation because I am so used to not have anything there. Now there is really no way to fight my genes so I will never have a "big butt" that Sir Mix-A-Lot seems to adore but I can improve on my own and that is good enough for me!
The bottom was lunch yesterday:
frozen veggie burger ( Oh yeah I forgot to mention I'm a vegetarian but most of my food can be made for an omnivore also, just substitute or add your chosen meat)
Tomato slice
1/4 avocado
Baked 1/2 sweet potato at 400 for 45 mins
The Top was dinner:
Whole wheat low carb and high fiber tortilla
Black beans'
1/4 avocado
1tbsp hummus
Start by spreading the hummus on the tortilla then just add the rest of the toppings and put it in the toaster oven or regular oven at 350 for a few minutes until crunchy

Saturday, June 8, 2013

1/2 sweet potato cut into cubes sprinkled with your favorite spices (I used cinnamon, cayenne and paprika)
Black beans ( amount to your liking)
1/4 avocado
Bake the sweet potato at 375 for 20-30 mins
Add the beans and potato to a skillet and heat up with some more spices.
Remove from heat then top with avocado and salsa

Open faced omelette

9 tbsp. cholesterol free eggs from carton
handful of spinach
some chopped tomato
sprinkled feta

cook the eggs in the pan until almost done then add the rest of the ingredients until everything is heated

Transformation story

Let me tell you a little about why I started this healthy lifestyle change. I was always thin growing up and never once overweight or "fat". My metabolism was super fast until somewhere around high school. I gained a little weight but nothing drastic, it was all just hormones and growing up. My senior year I went through some stuff and lost over 10 pounds in a month. I was so skinny and I looked sick, and definitely not healthy. Then when I started college I broke out of my good girl routine and started partying way too much. Before I knew it I gained all the weight I lost back and then some. Again, I was never overweight but I was definitely unhealthy and I was not happy with myself. But I really didn't do anything about it except the usual girly dieting spurts. I got to a moderate weight my sophomore year where I stopped partying as much, but still no healthy eating or exercise. Then my junior year, throughout the fall semester I lost around ten pounds again from cutting out most of the sweets I would indulge in way too often. But to be honest, this weight loss was completely accidental and a happy accident it was! I started to love my body again and I knew I couldn't let it get to how it was before. So slowly but surely I started eating better and making exercise a regular part of my days. Today I work out about 6 times a week and have committed to a (mostly) clean eating lifestyle (gotta have some cheats to not go crazy). The first picture up top on the left was my before probably at one of my unhealthiest times April 2011. The other two pictures were taken a couple weeks ago. I am way more fit and slowly gaining some muscle and I am so proud of it!
This was a morning last week. A high calorie burning workout. My workouts range from lower calorie burns to moderate to high ones like this! I always follow up a workout with a protein shake like this cookies and cream one shown here. Protein shakes are great for muscle recovery, building and lessening the soreness.

Polar Watch

My Polar heart monitor watch! I was so excited when I got this in the mail after hearing so many good things about it! Definitely one of the best decisions I've ever made. It measures your heart rate and my favorite part: how many calories you burn in a workout. And it doesn't hurt that its pretty in pink!


Hey everyone! I just wanted to introduce myself and tell you a little about me. I'm 20 years old, soon to be 21 (Sep.1) and I go to the University of Florida and am in a sorority there. I'm about to be a senior in the fall and am graduating in December. SCARY I know haha. I started this blog to post my journey to a healthier lifestyle. Working out and eating right have become part of my daily life and I cant wait to share this with you!