Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Fit Book

     During my research for a healthy and fit lifestyle I came across this: the Fitbook. So I decided to buy one and give it a try. The fitbook is basically a 12 week journal that you use to log not only your exercise and food for each day but your goals and accomplishments for every week! Every week starts off with a goal page and has room for your workout and nutrition and any other goals you might have. For example; in workout goals I might put "workout abs 4x this week" and for nutrition you could put "limit treat meal to one time this week" or anything else you want to work on for the week. Then there is a reward section if you reach your goals which could be anything like buy a new book or go on a shopping spree; anything that will be a reason for you to work hard that week (besides your health and happiness hehe). Then on the next page you can write down your workout schedule and eating schedule to help you stay on track. I usually don't make a meal plan because I like to think of my food the day of, but the workout schedule is very helpful! Then for each day there is a log to put the workout you actually did and how long/how many reps/how many calories you burned in each and other helpful stuff. For the food log you write down everything you ate that day and other important information about it. For example; I write down how many calories in each food and keep track of it. I used to count calories to limit myself to a very strict number. That was before I started eating clean and just focusing on nutrition. Now I count calories to keep to a certain range because I personally find that if I don't do that I will eat above and beyond what I really should even if it is all healthy foods. But if calorie counting is not for you don't worry you can use that space for others things, such as what time you ate or whatever else you want to take note of. The food log page also has a nutrient, water and sleep tracker! Finally, at the end of each week there is a "wrap up". This is where you decide if your goals were reached and reflect on the good things about the week and the not so good things. For example, a good thing might be you finished all of your workouts and ate a lot of veggies or something. But a bad thing might be that you ate too much ice cream and pizza Saturday night.
     I am on week 9 out of 12 in my fitbook and I can say that it has helped a lot! I bought mine at target for around $20 and did not mind paying that because I am the kind of person who needs structure and something telling me step by step what to do or else I will not do it. But after my 12 weeks I think I will make my own version of a fitbook using a empty journal or composition book since I know everything involved now. But if you don't want to spend that much money on a fitbook, go ahead and create your own! Use this tips that I showed you and take another step closer to your journey to being healthy =)


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