Sunday, June 9, 2013

What I ate today

     My breakfast, lunch and dinner! Before you start freaking out and thinking this is all I eat all day; fear not I love food way too much to limit myself to only this. I have healthy snacks throughout the day to make sure I don't go famished.
     My breakfast on right was protein pancakes. Now here is a disclaimer: I tend to make food and such that taste really good but turn out really ugly. Especially pancakes, I am awful and making them I always flip them too early or late and can never really get that expert flip going. Oh well I'm going on a tangent but I just thought I would warn everybody.
Pancake Recipe:
1 large very ripe banana
1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder
2 egg whites: which also equals to about 6 tbsp. of the kind in the carton
    Mash the banana and then mix the other two ingredients and cook like a regular pancake
I topped them with about a tbsp. of PB2 (ill do a post explaining what that is at a later time, but basically think of it as peanut butter). There are so many different types of protein pancakes that I cannot wait to try but since this was my first time making them I decided to keep it simple.
Egg Scramble:
1/2 zucchini
6tbsp cholesterol free eggs
handful of spinach
feta to taste
spices to taste
tbsp. of natural salsa
     First slice zucchini into thin slices and sauté them until soft. Then add the eggs and cook and scramble them until almost done. While the eggs are still cooking and the spinach and feta. Then top with salsa
1 whole wheat tortilla  (I use one that is low carb and high fiber)
1/4 avocado
2 slices of tofurkey (again I am vegetarian so sub. whatever protein you want)
1 piece of cheese (I use a soy cheese)
Handful of spinach
natural salsa
     I mashed the avocado across the tortilla then layered the rest of the ingredients and wrapped it all up. I served with a side of baby carrots.

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