Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sunday Food


Like most days of the week I have breakfast foods for more than just breakfast. I don't know why but I cant remember the last time I had eggs for actual breakfast. I tend to prefer them for lunch or dinner. I think it is because I crave something sweeter in the mornings. So this morning I decided to try another version of a protein pancake. Yes I know it looks like a certain something and possibly unappealing but it was pretty good! Then for lunch I had a zucchini and feta omelet.

Chocolate protein pancakes:
1/2 ripe banana
3/4 scoop vanilla protein powder (I ran out of chocolate kind but if you have go ahead and use it)
3 tbsp. egg whites
3 tbsp. oats (oat flour would be best or you can make your own using a food processor or blender but those are packed away so I made due)
2 tbsp. almond milk
1 tbsp cocoa powder
1/4 tsp of baking powder
     First mash the banana then add the protein powder and mix till incorporated. Then add the rest of the ingredients and cook like regular pancakes. (Play with the amount of each ingredient, and make it to your liking, i'm not an expert and honestly just eyeballed a lot of it)

Zucchini Omelet:
1/2 zucchini chopped however you like it, I did half circles
6tbsp cholesterol free eggs
low fat feta cheese
handful of spinach
     First sauté the zucchini and spinach until it is wilted. Then add the eggs on top of the veggies. When almost fully cooked add the cheese and fold over. Flip until fully cooked. I topped it with natural salsa

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