Monday, June 17, 2013

Sorry to break it to ya.....

But these are all true! While it is great that you are getting active and working out in an effort to get fit, but that unfortunately is not good enough. Even if you are spending a decent amount of time working your butt off in the gym and working out in general, you will most likely not see the results you are wanting to see. You have to pair working out with a good and healthy diet! The mentality of "I worked out today, so I'm going to eat pizza tonight" is absolutely ridiculous. WATCH THIS VIDEO . You will now see what I am talking about! It is genius. How long will it take for you to burn off that food? Probably too long! And then even if you manage to work it all off, you will be right where you started and won't make any progress if you're lucky. Working out does not give you an excuse to eat Moes, pizza, chipotle, mcdonalds, and even unhealthy foods that you can make at home. And honestly, I use the word "make" loosely. Sorry to tell you, but you are not Michael Phelps or someone of his fitness levels. He eats roughly 12,000 calories a day and still looks the way he does because of his intense training. Yeah, you try and eat that much, or hey lets be more reasonable and try and eat a fraction of that and train the way you normally do and see if you can make any progress with your fitness. You HAVE to eat healthy! That is always the most important! Have you ever tried to do so many ab workouts and got mad when you don't see any results? Probably because you are not pairing that with a good diet. Abs are made in the kitchen. You must have a lower body fat percentage for them to show up. There is no use in ab muscles if they are hiding under layers of fat. I honestly find it hilarious when I listen to people talk about how much they work out and go to the gym and then I see them eat food that is just plain bad for them. I've mentioned before that indulgences and treat meals are a good thing! But lets be honest, that meal is not a once in a while or even once a week thing, but are a everyday and possibly in even worse cases, a multiple a day thing.
      Now I realize, there are those people who have an amazing metabolism and can eat whatever the hell they want and still have a perfectly slim body. Fine! Good for you! Probably most of what I have said here is not for you! But just because this might be true doesn't mean you should continue with these habits. You should start caring about yourself and your health and still eat better. You will feel better and more energized when you eat the right foods.

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