Friday, June 14, 2013

Don't call it a diet

As you can see from this picture, I get so mad if people try to tell me that I'm on a diet. No, I am not, I am not in no way shape or form trying to lose weight and this is not a temporary thing. If someone is eating something greasy and/or bad for them I do not turn to them and ask "what, are you trying to get fat?" That would be rude and uncalled for and the same goes for when I am eating healthy and trying to avoid foods that I know are not good for me and someone turns to me and says something along the lines of  "what, are you trying to lose weight?" or "you are already skinny enough!" Uh thanks... I know I am thin, but there is a difference between trying to lose weight and trying to be the best I can be. I know my body better than anyone and I can guarantee that I do not look how I do now because I was eating badly. Now I am not saying that I am not guilty of being on diets and doing things that are good for on a temporary basis. I used to get obsessive over losing weight and being skinny enough and would limit myself to small amounts of food etc and sometimes that would work but only temporarily until I stopped the dieting and started eating even more than I used to before. It is because I limited myself from everything I was craving all the time (usually sweets and baked goods) that when I could finally have it again I binged on them like crazy! The moment I decided that this wasn't a diet, it was simply how I choose to live my life was the moment I stopped craving things like crazy. This is because I am not forbidding myself from these things. Honestly if I want a damn brownie or if I want some ice cream or whatever it is I am going to have it! And the best part of it is, I will not feel guilty for doing so. Now that does not mean that I will eat an entire pan of brownies or have these treats every day because that defeats the purpose, but it is ok to indulge every once in a while to keep you on track in the long run. Many people say and I agree that this lifestyle is 80/20. 80% clean and healthy living and eating and 20% indulgences. Just don't take that too literally! It is not a set formula that every week you must eat clean 80% and not the other 20. If one week you happen to eat off track a little more don't sweat it and do not give up! And on the other hand if maybe that week you are really just not feeling like having any treat meals, well more power to you! Do not feel like you have to get in that ice cream. For example, yesterday I went to coldstone with my boyfriend. He got a waffle bowl cheesecake something or other and I got an all fruit smoothie. It was not because I was limiting myself to not have a little ice cream, it was really just because I wasn't craving it. What is the point in having something if you are not going to enjoy it as much as you would another time? If it was one of those days where all I thought about was ice cream and couldn't fight the craving any longer you bet I would have had some!
     All in all, this is a journey not a destination. So please for the love of chocolate, do not judge me and my LIFESTYLE and whatever you do, don't call it a diet. Hope this helped explain things a little!

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